2020 signage trends
What’s new in the world of signage? New signage trends emerge all the time. It’s important to stay up to date to ensure your business attracts as many customers as possible. Here are a few signage trends you may see more of in 2020.

Interactive Signs

In the age of social media, it can be hard to keep the attention of customers. Interactive signs can be a great way to keep customers engaged and interested in what you have to offer. AI is also being integrated into many commercial signs.

Wall Murals & Graphics

Wall murals and graphics will likely continue to grow in popularity this year. Your wall truly can serve as a blank canvass for your marketing messages. With such a large space, you can be create unique designs that turn heads.

3D Wayfinding Signage

Interactive maps that can offer zoom functionality, rotation, and other helpful features are on the rise. Some of these signs also include video content. These signs combine the best of technology and utility.

Natural Materials Signage

Incorporating wood-grain, greenery, and other natural features into signage is emerging as a fresh and popular approach to commercial signage. Creating an eco-conscious space can be an attractive option for many industries.
Published On: February 12th, 2020 / Categories: Uncategorized /